You need to take backups of your website regularly. Whenever you come across a disaster, the backup is available to provide much-needed assistance to you. There are multiple methods available for you to backup the website. Out of those methods, we encourage you to go ahead with taking a backup from the host. Then you can make sure that you get the latest data available. Continue to read this article, and we will share details with you on how to backup the website from the host. Even if you wish to back up a WordPress website, you can go through this article and follow its directions.
How Often Do You Need a Website Backup
The frequency of where you go for a website backup depends on how often you update content on it. For example, let’s assume that your website is updated with new content every day. Then it would help if you thought about taking backups every day. That’s because you can make sure that you are not losing access to any bit of information by doing this.
But if your website is being updated once a year, you don’t have to spend so much money. That’s because you will only have to take a backup once a year, and there is nothing to worry about a disaster. If a disaster strikes, you could restore from the backup at any given time without losing information.
There are different types of website backup. Backup from the host and manual back up of files are the two most popular methods. When it comes to backup from the host, you will be taking a backup of the files directly uploaded to the web host. The other option is where you will be taking manual copies of the website files. Out of these two options, a back up WordPress website from the host is recommended. That’s because it will reduce the extent of manual work you have to put in to get the job done. You will be able to receive a hassle-free experience with it.
How to Back Up Your Host With Cpanel
Here are the steps you can follow to take a backup of your website from cPanel if you wonder how can I backup my site from cPanel, you can go through these steps and get the job done.
You will initially need to log into your cPanel. Then you will be able to see all the icons. From there, you should go to Files and then select backup.
Under the Full Backup option, you can see an option named “Download a Full Account Backup”. You should click on that and proceed with taking the full backup of your website.
Once you get to the backup destination, you should click on the dropdown menu. Then you will have to pick your home directory.
As the next step, you should click on the Generate Backup button. As soon as you do it, the backup will start downloading automatically.
You can go back and see whether the files are available readily to download or not. If that is still in progress, you will have to wait for more time before proceeding with the backup website.
You will also see some links under the Backups Available for Download section. You should click on the most recent backup and proceed with it among those links.
The second option on how to backup from the host would be to use DirectAdmin. Anyone who wants to learn how to backup my site from DirectAdmin can follow these steps. We will be sharing the exact steps, and you need to follow them to get your work done.
As the first step, you will have to log into DirectAdmin.
Then, you should search for Advanced Features. Under Advanced Features, you will see an option named Create / Restore backups.
You will need to click on that and then select the specific items you wish to include for the backup. They have your email data, email accounts, and many more.
Once you are done with including all information, you may click on the Create Backup button. Now you can see how a backup creation is added to the queue. Once this job is completed, you will receive a message. Then you can proceed with taking a backup WordPress website.
How to Back Up Your Host With FTP
We can also recommend you proceed with taking the backup site with FTP. This is a bit of a complex method, but we will share how you will get the work done without a problem. This is the process you should follow to backup from the host manually. In other words, we will not be using any FTP client to get the job done.
You will need to log into the FTP account. Then you can access Site Manager and access your specific website.
Enter the credentials and sign in.
Once you are in the FTP manager, you will need to locate the public_html File. This File is usually located within the root folder of the website. Once you click on that folder, you should drag and drop that into the folder named Website backup. By doing this, you will be initiating the backup.
Now, you need to wait to start and complete the download.
Backup Your Website Using Filezilla
You need to follow to backup the site from FileZilla is similar to the process we shared above. It is the same as downloading a website from FTP. The difference here is that FileZilla is a client you can use to access the FTP. You can adhere to the following steps and get your work done with backup from the host.
You should first download and install FileZilla on your computer. Then you can open it.
Now, you need to get to the hosting account and gather FTP account details. There are tutorials made available to you by the hosting services provider on selecting one.
Now you can open up FileZilla. Then you can go to File, select File Manager, and then select New Site.
FileZilla will now ask you to enter some information. They include the website host, website user account, and password.
Once you enter information, you can hit on the connect button to proceed to the next step of backup from the host.
Now, you can see your File hosting server in one window of FileZilla. In the other window, you can see your computer. You can create a new backup folder on your computer.
Now, you should locate the public_html folder on the server through FileZilla. You can quickly find it as it is usually on the root server.
Once you locate the public_html folder, you should drag and copy that into the newly created folder on the computer. Depending on the total number of files your website has, this process will take a while to complete.
The last option that we recommend you to backup from the host would be to take a backup from the WordPress website. If you need to back up the WordPress website, this is the process that we follow. If you are a WordPress owner and wonder how I can backup my site, you can adhere to the following steps.
WordPress allows numerous backup plugins, which you can use to take backups of the website. You will need to go to the WordPress dashboard, select Plugins, and then pick Add Plugins to add the backup plugin.
You will now be able to see a search bar. Here, you should search for the name of the specific backup plugin. UpdraftPlus is a perfect example of such a plugin. You can search for it and install it on the WordPress website.
You will need to click on the Activate button to activate the plugin.
As the last step, you should go to the newly installed plugin through the WordPress dashboard and click on the backup option. It will take a backup of the entire WordPress website and make it available for you to download.
As you can see, multiple options are available when you wish to move forward with backup from the host. You will need to understand these different methods and choose the most convenient way that matches your preferences in the long run.